Be Inspired By His Mercy

Be inspired by His Mercy:  “One Pair of Hands”
My opportunity to Reflect on the true significance and impact on my life in a world that is losing its soul: “One Pair of Hands”.
This song was written by Carroll Roberson, and is sung by Elvis Presley

When you have a quiet moment… click and ENJOY!!!!!

Top 10 Mercy Quotes of Pope Francis

Pope-FrancisEDITOR’s NOTE: Only two months into his papacy, Pope Francis has been eminently quotable. We’ve culled a few of our favorite quotes. If you have any you’d like to share, please do so in the comments section below. Enjoy! Click here to download this page.

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I think we too are the people who, on the one hand, want to listen to Jesus, but on the other hand, at times, like to find a stick to beat others with, to condemn others. And Jesus has this message for us: mercy. I think — and I say it with humility — that this is the Lord’s most powerful message: mercy. Read More…

The Year of Mercy

Holy doors close, but mission of mercy continues

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service
11.15.2016 9:06 AM ET

Pope Francis walks through a Holy Door as he arrives to celebrate Mass at Mikheil Meskhi Stadium in Tbilisi, Georgia, Oct. 1. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) See VATICAN-LETTER-MERCY-YEAR Nov. 15, 2016.CNS/Paul Haring

Pope Francis walks through a Holy Door as he arrives to celebrate Mass at Mikheil Meskhi Stadium in Tbilisi, Georgia, Oct. 1. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) See VATICAN-LETTER-MERCY-YEAR Nov. 15, 2016.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Year of Mercy brought more than 20 million pilgrims to Rome, but for Pope Francis, the idea always was that the celebration of God’s mercy would be local: have people experience God’s love in their parishes and send them out into the world to commit random acts of mercy.

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